Blessings. May you feel the Elven spirit within you, the magical infinite space of divinity and from which all that appears to be, takes form.–T.E. Pelton, Elven World Mythologies
“The Artist is the antennae of the race.” – Ezra Pound
These antennae are feeling forward without ceasing; reaching outward to capture and ingest the very essence of life’s dew upon the grass. We are, every one of us, Artists seeking to breathe in the infinite and shape our divine expression.
The Artist may bring forth to our attention a world of possibility that may not be yet, but that can be. In so doing, it is.
For the individual, Art can heal wounds no matter how deep. Broadly, Art can create a culture. More powerful than politics or media, stronger than any army, the voice of the Artist tears down walls, builds them anew and brings a place of peace.
Contemplate for one moment the artist Michelangelo and his choice to show us our own beauty reverberating in the hard stone of his sculpture.  This single perception of our magnificence and its expression has created unspeakable ripples, rivers and waterfalls of inspiration through countless hearts across countless lands and days.
Whether in painting, speaking, acting, singing, doing business, creating a household or the millions of ways we experience life in a day, the divine inspiration we bring to each moment, every action and every word is Art. It is deeply, profoundly blessed. It is indeed, an expression of the Nature Divine.
We honor and ask for blessing to all those who are seeking such expression; to all those who are touched by such expression in any way. We ask for You, the Artists, to sing and write and speak of those things you wish to be. We hope to remind you that which you create in your heart-mind, with your pen, your voice, is so, whether it has manifested in your vision yet, or not.
Each and every vibration that you sound, each beat of your angelic wings, each voice that is lifted in acknowledgement, praise and certainty is a voice that is reverberates throughout the Earth and beyond.
Sing out loud!                                                                           Elven World is available on

Crystal Purity Divine Energy by Albert Metzler

Check out the Art of Albert Metzler