Dear Paulo and all who may read this post,  

Thank you all! Thank you particularly to Paulo, you have been an inspiration to me in my life and in my art, my art form is writing. You are so blessed. My first (fiction) book is at and it is being published now. You will see, it is lovely. It is a book for the young & for students, which I hope we all are.  

Thank you to who introduced me to you.  

Thank you to all of you who are giving me the opportunity to do something worthwhile with my life by reaching out to you. 

And thank you for listening.  

In my eyes, something very delicious, miraculous and wonderful is happening in the world at this time. It is called by many names, you could say they are “labels” but I prefer to think of them as “translations.” Some say it is an awakening, others, “the end of the world as we know it,” or a polar shift. In my view, it is some sort of evolution to a higher state; a higher vibration.  

You will see when you read “Elven World” that each of our individual “translations” is a vibration. As if each of us has our very own sound or tone or note that is our song, the song of ourselves.  

Now, many of you may wish to receive blessings from the Elven people who are beings of color and light and sound. If you wish to receive a blessing go to: (There is no charge.) Blessings are freely available, my translation may only assist you to hear them.  

Lastly, I would like to say that the creativity of the human spirit never ceases to amaze me. For just a bit of food & water, clothes and shelter, the human exchange in terms of mental and spiritual energy is absolutely astounding. We are indeed creators of energy and that, my friends, is the magical aspect of ourselves! Everyday the creativity, love and expression of humankind can be appreciated especially through the Internet. (Which is up there with the best inventions of all time, don’t you agree?)  

This is what I consider relevant today: YOU. Your ideas, your connection, your creativity and the amazing ways that it is being expressed on earth at this time. In my opinion there is a bright new world ahead. And each of you are creating it!  

Love and Joy,  
TE Locke  

P.S. Yes, I am on twitter, too!